
Showing posts with the label money

Rebutan Harta Terjadi Di Mana-mana

  Kita biasa mendengar istilah rebutan kekuasaan di dalam kerajaan, republik, kekaisaran, bahkan dalam komunitas sekalipun. Sejak ribuan tahun lalu, manusia juga berebut harta dalam keluarga, memburu harta karun, merampok hasil bumi dengan berbagai cara.  Penulis best seller, PM Susbandono memberikan ulasan menarik tentang terjadinya rebutan harta, yang sayangnya terjadi di mana-mana. Mari kita simak bersama, barangkali ada intisari yang bisa dipetik untuk inspirasi, sehingga tidak terjadi di kemudian hari, paling tidak dalam diri kita atau keluarga kita.  Money Money Money (Image: Money Money Money (Image: *Rebutan Harta Terjadi Di Mana-mana* (Pesan dari Film : “How to Make Millions Before Grandmother Dies”) @pmsusbandono 29 Mei 2024 Rupanya tak hanya terjadi di Indonesia,  cerita mengenai keluarga inti bertikai gara-gara harta warisan. Kisah ini saya tonton dari sebuah film buatan Negari Gajah Putih, Thailand, berjudul “How To Make Millions Before...

JAA Lifestyle. Discover new income opportunity

Entering a new normal era means changing the old paradigm to a different level than before. Similarly, in the field of business, especially in the area of online business. In connection with this phenomenon, you have an important opportunity to be examined closely. That's why you have the opportunity to enter a global club, which will change your lifestyle in a new direction. Living a great lifestyle is not only about owning the most luxurious things, but it is just as much about your time, how you spend it and with whom.   Discover a new lifestyle now ( In the JAA Lifestyle, we are offering a unique opportunity to achieve social connection as well as the path to fulfill your dreams whatever they may be! JAA Lifestyle will organize social gatherings locally and internationally.  Our Lifestyle Team will organize gatherings, travels, events, and other social activities worldwide. Being part of this professional club you have the right to get ...
