
Showing posts with the label interview

Smart tips to write a good job resume

If you're wanted to change jobs or switch careers to a new company, you will definitely see job advertisements in newspapers or job information in various websites. In addition you have a skill or work experience, then the first thing you would do is write a resume, so the interviewer get a first impression about yourself. Good resume will give you an opportunity to get a chance for a job interview.  A résumé can also be categorized as a "marketing tool" about yourself, so that it can gives the first impression for human resources staff, if you are interesting to be called for the first interview. Therefore you write a resume that must meet certain requirements and be able to demonstrate, if you empolyable.  On your resume also also clearly written that you meet the qualifications, education, skills, and experience also meet professional standards in the position you are applying. In addition, of course you apply for jobs that fit the needs of the company. To gives g...

Tips for a successful job interview

Congratulations you have got the chance of employment, and you will go through the stages of a job interview. Why do you get a job interview?  Confident when interviewed by a team of interviewers. Image: There are Many reasons why you got a job interview. Perhaps because of your resume and previous work experience are very impressive candidates for your boss, or because you are a fresh graduate from college or university? The job interview is an important process before you are accepted as an employee, so the job interview preparation is very important. If you have good preparation, then you will be more confident when you meet the interviewer. It could be you will be interviewed by one person or by some of people, depending on your job description. Are you ready? In fact people who are already experienced would be nervous when receiving a job interview. Hence, prepare yourself with the maximum because while doing job interviews are the main poi...

Job Fair

Have   you   ever   applied for a job   at the   job fair ?   The competition in the working world today is very high because there are few jobs in comparison with the number of job seekers.  The recruitment process   is not   always   by placing   job advertisements   in newspapers   or   on the   Internet .   Job fair   is a   great   way   to   do, so there are a lot of companies   to recruit   an experienced   workforce   and   new   graduates   from universities   or   schools . Job fair   is usually   conducted   by a combination   various   companies   in   a   big   exhibition . Many   universities   also   held a   job fair   in collaboration with   employment agencies ,   headhunter   or   a vari...
